Monica Ziegler, LMHC

What are Symptoms of Depression? Sadness, Tiredness, Hopelessness & More

One symptom of depression is a feeling that one’s problems cannot be solved – a feeling of hopelessness. People who are depressed tend to see things from a negative perspective.
Another symptom of depression might be a dramatic change in appetite, possibly with weight gain or loss.

Some symptoms of depression are feeling tired, a lack of energy or fatigue. Some people find it difficult to concentrate when they’re depressed and feelings of agitation and irritability are also signs of depression.

A major symptom of depression is a feeling of hopelessness and helplessness. Others may experience trouble sleeping, loss of interest in pleasurable activities, or becoming withdrawn and isolated.

Psychotherapists can help treat depression.

Some people feel worthlessness, general guilt or even self-hate.   I am a psychotherapist in Coral Gables, Miami-Dade County, Florida.

In some people, those feelings lead to thoughts of suicide.

Extreme symptoms of depression are cause for serious concern.  Sometimes people need more help than a psychotherapist alone can offer.

When Should You Call Your Doctor?

(I am not a doctor.)  You should call your doctor immediately if you have any of these symptoms:

If you are taking medications, you should never go off your medications without consulting your doctor.

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