Monica Ziegler, LMHC

Attention Deficit (ADHD) Therapy – Adults

Treatment of ADHD in Adults

The treatment is very much the same for adults as it is with children. There is no cure for ADHD. Rather, treatment includes various forms of psychotherapy, medication, counseling and education or a combination of multiple treatments. Fortunately, with careful and consistent treatment it is possible to reduce the impact of the symptoms on a person’s life.

Education and Psychotherapy

Counseling and therapy can assist an adult with ADHD to learn to organize his or her life with various tools. This may include using a large calendar on the desk, a date book, reminder notes or even apps on a smart phone. It may also include assigning special places in the home and office for bills, paperwork and even keys. Larger tasks can be broken down into smaller and more manageable steps. This will make it easier to complete the task and a sense of accomplishment can be provided by completing every segment of the task. This will help fuel a person to wanting to keep going instead of losing focus and moving on to something different.

Psychotherapy, which includes cognitive behavioral therapy, can also help to change a person’s poor self-image. This will be done through the examination of experiences that have produced these negative feelings of self. Therapy will encourage an adult with ADHD to adjust to life changes stemming from treatment. This may include such this as thinking before acting and avoiding taking unnecessary risks.

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