Treating ADHD
Treatment currently available focuses on reducing ADHD symptoms to improve functionality. Medication, education, training, psychotherapy and a combination of multiple treatments will be used on a person.
- Medications – Medications do not currently cure ADHD. Adding counseling, behavioral therapy and other support can help a child with ADHD as well as help families cope with some of the daily issues.
- Psychotherapy – ADHD uses various forms of psychotherapy for treatment. Behavioral therapy will help a child modify behavior. This can include practical assistance with organization, completing homework and working through highly emotional events. It may also include learning to give self-praise and rewards for acting in a desirable way, such as controlling anger or thinking before doing a certain action. Positive or negative feedback can be given by parents and teachers as well. Rules, chores and other forms of structure can help with control.
During therapy, children may be taught social skills including waiting for a turn, sharing toys, asking for assistance, and how to respond to teasing. Other training may include how to read facial expressions, tone of voice and responding in an appropriate manner.
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