Monica Ziegler, LMHC

Attention Deficit (ADHD) Therapy

Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorders (ADHD) is the most commonly diagnosed behavioral disorder of childhood and it can persist through adolescence and into adulthood. Most research estimate that 3-7% of children suffer from ADHD. Due to the high diagnosis, medication is also overly prescribed. In order to diagnose someone with ADHD, it is necessary that the symptoms interfere with the person’s ability to function in different settings. However, there are three different subtypes for ADHD.

The first one is predominantly inattentive type which an individual has a difficult time paying attention, he or she is easily distracted and therefore it is difficult to complete a task.

The second subtype is the predominantly hyperactive-impulse, the individual has a difficult time sitting still in one place, they seem to talk a lot and tend to have a difficult time following directions.

The third and final subtype is the combined type, the person expresses both sets of symptoms.

Most children with ADHD are less likely to play or interact with others or get involved in any school activity. They are also likely to lack many good friends and parents are more likely to report that their child is picked on at school. Research suggests that ADHD affects 30-50% of adults who had ADHD in childhood. Because of this high rate, parents need to be aware that medication is not a “quick fix” and that there are underlying problems as well.

At times ADHD is diagnosed based on basic symptoms and this can lead to misdiagnosis due to parent’s wanting quick and fast answers to “fix” their child’s problems. Medication in the short run  masks the real behavioral problems. In the long run medications does not improve the child’s prognosis. It is essential for parents to be fully aware of all their options to help the child cope with this disorder. Parents should also be sure to have any other reasons for their child’s behavior ruled out by a professional because most children with ADHD also have other developmental or behavioral problem and reinforce any good and attentive behavior.

Attention Deficit (ADHD) therapy and counseling concentrate on reducing the symptoms of Attention Deficit (ADHD) and increase functioning.

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